September 7, 2023

Leveraging Positive Language and Body Language: Elevating Customer Service

In the ever-competitive business landscape, mastering customer service is crucial. Read on to learn our top customer service skills and download our FREE Toolbox Talk!

In the ever-competitive business landscape, mastering customer service is crucial. The most significant factor in elevating customer experience is often the simplest: positive language and body language. By incorporating these elements into your team's daily interactions, you can set your business apart.

1. Introducing Positive Language

a. Evade Negative Phrases: Train your team to replace phrases like "can't", "won't", and "don't" with more constructive alternatives. It subtly reframes the conversation.

  • Example: Instead of "We don’t have that product in stock," guide them to say, "That product will be available next week, and I can place a reservation for you."

b. Emphasise Solution-Based Responses: Encourage a culture where employees think on their feet. This proactive approach reflects well on the brand.

  • For instance: "While we don’t offer that service, we have another which might perfectly cater to your needs."

c. The Art of Declining Gracefully: Declining a request is sometimes unavoidable. But with the right words, it can be a smooth process.

  • Suggested phrasing: "I understand where you’re coming from. Our policy exists because of [reason], but let's explore other ways to assist you."
Shop assistant helping customer

2. Championing Positive Body Language

a. Eye Contact: An underrated skill, maintaining eye contact can bridge many communication gaps. It communicates interest and attentiveness.

b. Open Postures: Conduct workshops emphasising the importance of approachable postures, like uncrossed arms. Subtle gestures like these can make a significant difference.

c. The Power of a Smile: Ensure that your employees understand the distinction between a perfunctory smile and a genuine one. A genuine smile has unparalleled power in the realm of customer service.

d. Nods and Acknowledgments: Sometimes, the smallest gestures like nodding can convey understanding and empathy.

3. Communication is King

a. Active Listening Workshops: Consider workshops or training sessions that underscore the importance of listening without interrupting.

b. Encourage Clarifications: An environment where employees feel free to ask clarifying questions ensures that misunderstandings are minimised.

c. Empathy Training: Role-playing and empathy-building exercises can equip your team to better relate to customers and their concerns.

d. Grace Under Pressure: Stress-management sessions can be invaluable in helping your team handle challenging situations with poise and professionalism.

Implementing in Your Business

Understanding the importance of positive language and body language is just the first step. The challenge lies in implementing these strategies in your day-to-day operations.

For a more detailed approach on how to seamlessly incorporate these elements, click here for a free download of our Toolbox Talk on Customer Service. This comprehensive guide provides actionable steps and exercises that you can introduce in your next team meeting.

Remember, by investing in these simple yet powerful communication tools, you're not only enhancing the customer experience but also fostering an environment where your employees feel empowered and confident in their interactions.


If you need any advice and need help, please reach out at or 1800 877 747

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