November 8, 2022

Providing Informal Feedback - Performance Management Tips

We continue our series on performance management by looking at how to provide feedback including the benefits of each approach.

We continue our series on performance management by looking at how to provide feedback including the benefits of each approach.

Informal Feedback /Coaching

Regular informal feedback is a form of coaching and is critical factor in successful management. One on one coaching will:

  • Allow the manager to encourage and reward positive behaviours Allow performance gaps to be addressed early before they develop into bad habits or major performance concerns
  • Build a rapport between the staff member and their manager/supervisor
  • Ensure there is a clear understanding of what is expected
  • Hold staff accountable for their actions
  • Create a supportive environment that will improve morale and reduce turnover
  • Better enables staff to understand and adapt to change

Coaching or informal feedback sessions may be conducted on either an individual or a group basis.

1. Informal Feedback /Coaching through positive feedback

  • Will give the individual reassurance that they are performing to the required level
  • It reinforces the positive behaviours
  • Provides personal satisfaction and pride which in turn creates loyalty to the organisation
  • Encourages individuals to work harder and can therefore improve productivity levels
  • Promotes confidence
  • Needs to be specific and sincere

2. Individual Coaching to Address Non Performance

  • Always conduct in private
  • Should be direct and specific
  • Should not insult or demean
  • Needs to be descriptive and constructive focusing on behaviour changes rather than personality traits
  • Should be done as close to the event as possible but not done in the “heat of the moment”
  • Is a two way process, take time to listen to the staff members and be open to changing your perspective
  • Focus on how this can be avoided or improved moving forward
  • Clearly outline what the consequences will be if this behaviour continues

3. Group Coaching

Providing collective feedback to a group is an excellent way to build team work and establish common goals. The group should have clear targets on what needs to be achieved and then be provided with feedback on how closely they are achieving this, what improvements could be made, what they are doing well etc. Targets should be a stretch but attainable. If done effectively this will encourage and motivate the team to improve their overall performance. Individuals may be publicly recognised in a group for good performance, but never single out or imply that an individual in the team is not performing appropriately.

Need help conducting performance reviews? Reach out today! Contact (07) 4051 737 or send us an email at


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