March 28, 2023

Preventing Workplace Bullying: A Manager's Role

Tips and advice on recognising and addressing bullying behaviour in the workplace

What is Workplace Bullying?

Workplace bullying is defined as repeated unreasonable behaviour directed towards a worker or group of workers that creates a risk to health and safety. This can take many forms, including verbal abuse, physical intimidation, exclusion, and sabotage.

Your Role in Preventing Workplace Bullying

As a manager, you have a key role to play in preventing workplace bullying. This includes:

  1. Leading by example: Modelling respectful and inclusive behaviour and holding all employees accountable for their actions.
  2. Creating a safe and healthy work environment: Establishing policies and procedures that promote a culture of respect and inclusion and ensuring that all employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities regarding workplace bullying.
  3. Recognizing and addressing bullying behaviour: Being aware of the signs of bullying behaviour, and taking swift action to address any incidents that occur.
  4. Providing support and resources: Offering support and resources to employees who have experienced or witnessed workplace bullying and ensuring that they know how to report incidents and access support services.

How to Recognise and Address Bullying Behaviour

Recognising and addressing bullying behaviour requires a proactive and vigilant approach. Some strategies for recognising and addressing bullying behaviour include:

  1. Paying attention to changes in employee behaviour, such as increased absenteeism, decreased productivity, or signs of stress and anxiety.
  2. Encouraging open communication and feedback: Creating an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their concerns and reporting incidents of bullying.
  3. Investigating complaints: Taking all complaints of bullying seriously and conducting a thorough investigation to determine the facts.
  4. Taking appropriate action: If bullying behaviour is identified, take appropriate action to address the behaviour and prevent it from recurring. This may include coaching, counselling, discipline, or termination of employment.

Promoting a Culture of Respect and Inclusion

Creating a culture of respect and inclusion requires ongoing effort and attention. Some strategies for promoting a culture of respect and inclusion include:

  1. Providing regular training and education: Offering regular training and education to employees and supervisors on workplace bullying, harassment, and discrimination.
  2. Encouraging diversity and inclusion: Celebrating differences and promoting a workplace culture where all employees feel valued and respected.
  3. Fostering open communication: Encouraging open and honest communication and creating opportunities for employees to provide feedback and share their concerns.
  4. Leading by example: Modelling respectful and inclusive behaviour, and holding all employees accountable for their actions.

As a manager, you play a critical role in preventing workplace bullying. By recognising and addressing bullying behaviour, promoting a culture of respect and inclusion, and providing support and resources to employees, you can help create a safe and healthy work environment for everyone.

If you need any advice and need help, please reach out at or 1800 877 747

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